Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What's for Dinner?

Posted by Olivia Kwan--a woman passionate about NOT cooking.

So I was talking to Jodi about how funny one of her blogs was when I confessed that I do not enjoy cooking. That’s right people, I do not enjoy or want to cook almost on a daily basis. But I am great at re-heating food…under low to medium heat. I try to skip the microwave when I can. I know, whoop-de-do!

My husband knew this weakness of mine, when we met in the 1800’s, and he still married me, so obviously, he’s cool with it. I have no shame or guilt just because I’m a woman. I don’t fall for that “you are the wife and you should cook for your husband” crap! I gave birth, I think that’s heroic enough!

I’m a full time working mom and by the time I get home, my first words are, “Where are we going for dinner?" or, "What are we ordering for dinner?”

I know, I know, there are tons of meals broadcasted on TV and on-line claiming that you can make a meal in 30 minutes, but let’s be real here, we are only fooling ourselves if we believe that!

I think when they said “30 minutes,” they did not consider the fact that we do not have a “staff” to prep and cut our ingredients like Emeril does, and all he has to do is dump everything into a pot from those cute little bowls. In the real world, we still have to do the washing, the measuring, the peeling, and so forth. The other thing that wasn’t figured into the “30 minutes” is that there are children present who are whiny or who have to have a drink (but can’t decide what they want to drink) or who is just being a pain in my butt!

And at the end of the of all my hard work, there are plates, pan, spoons, forks, and other dishes just waiting for me to clean. By then, I’m full and still tired, and the next thing I really want to do is lay down and watch TV.

Look, I give props to the working moms who cook every night, bravo to you all! But let’s not gasp in disbelieve when someone like me announces that I do not cook. If you enjoy it, good for you, but I’m not a monster for not wanting to. It’s called “I’m tired as hell and I just want to relax and give myself a break (which I deserve).”

P.S. No worries on the hubby. He’s still alive and kicking…even without my home cooked meals.


  1. When I was in college I found this plaque at the DI that said "Kissin' don't last, cookin' do" with two ducks kissin'. I thought it was hilarious and I put it up in my kitchen at school since it seemed that was one of the more popular ways to get a boyfriend and then husband...food.

    I fell in love when my husband made me chocolate chocolate chip cookies from scratch. Unfortunately for me, that was his only trick. But it was too late, the cookies had worked their magic.

    You aren't alone, I think deciding what to cook for dinner is just as bad as the cooking itself, and then the aftermath of cleanup. Plus, the one with the 30 minute meal show is Rachael Ray and her voice is super annoying! It seems eating out is a win-win on all fronts!

  2. Wow you are amazing Olivia! What a cool post!!! I do know one thing for sure.. you do love to reheat and eat! That's why you fit right into our team!!
