Friday, July 24, 2009

Flowers VS Cold Hard Cash!

Okay, so it's the age old dilemma of wives--I want to be loved and cherished. So I nag and hint and manipulate to inspire him to "surprise" me with something meaningful.

Well, my husband loves to buy me flowers just whenever. By the way, he never buys them when I actually really deserve them. I have birthed three children from my womb, only to find a kiss and hug at the end of my labor. Which is not a good time for any type of "touching" since I felt like a mid size SUV has just been delivered out my front end. By the fourth, I decided I deserved to ask for what I wanted.

"I want flowers!" I demanded with my stomach hanging over my pants.


"Flowers! I need flowers at the hospital. This is my fourth kid and you have never bought me flowers!"

"I brought you Wendy's and a shake."

Close enough.

So I give birth to my fourth child, a son, and my hubby not only buys me flowers, he buys me pajamas (which were light pink and completely see through), lotion, and striped panties for chubby chicks.

He is so excited, and when he is not looking, I look at all the tags.

I know.

I'm scum.

But I can't help it. My mind starts calculating (probably incorrectly) all the costs. Then it's like a automatic shopping machine. I cant help it. I start wondering, "If I exchange this, I could get..."

And so the pattern continues with all the "surprises" he gets me. If I were him, I wouldn't buy me a pack of gum. What's the point? I would probably take it back.

"Umm...yes, I need to return this pack of gum. How much was it?"

So, I've learned not to nag or manipulate for surprises unless I can keep my mouth shut and enjoy the moment.

It's people like me that wrap their own presents under the tree, put a tag on it to themselves, and then ask themselves the stupid question, "Why isn't Christmas as fun as it was when I was kid? Where's the magic?"

That's because when you were a kid, you didn't ask Santa if he could take back his present and get you something else that you really liked.

You enjoyed what was given to you and loved it because it was a gift.

My point--I am a hypocrite who is telling women, if you want to be happy, enjoy the flowers and chubby chick panties. More importantly, enjoy the fact your hubby still gives you gifts. That in and of itself is a sweet part of being married.


  1. Definitely used to be cash for me. I would look at the flowers and worry we spent too much! Now, whatever the gift is seems just fine to me. If I don't like it.. I give him a kiss, tell him how wonderful he is and how I would like another gift! He is pretty sweet about it!

  2. I must admit I usually take the gifts back and then wonder why he doesn't like shopping for me. Go figure? We have agreed that his part of the bargain is that he has to go shopping with me no matter the store for my gift. That is his sacrifice. :) We both are happier. PS he is not a flower buyer, but he helps in many other ways that is worth more than flowers!
